2024 Balls & Babes Handicap Over/Under 50 Doubles
Balls & Babes Handicap Over/Under 50 Doubles
Welcome to the 2024 Balls & Babes Handicap Over/Under 50 Doubles

Hosted by Strike Zone Bowling Center
1301 W Sunset Rd
Henderson, NV 89014

Jun 8,2024

Over/Under 50 Hdcp Dbls - $130 entry
Men's Scratch Singles - $40 entry
Senior Scratch Singles - $40 entry
Handicap Sgls 175 & Over - $40 entry
Handicap Sgls 174 & Down - $40 entry

Entries are now closed for this tournament. You can see the results right here at
Just click 'Standings' on the green bar above.
Contact Director

** A note from your tournament director:
Handicap Doubles competition - Saturday, June 8, 2024 at the Strike Zone Bowling Center. Start time:10:00 am. Check in starts at approx. 8:30 am. Teams MUST consist of 1 adult bowler age 50 or older AND 1 adult bowler under age 50. Teams may consist of 1 male and 1 female; 2 males or 2 females. Bowl 4 games on the same pair of lanes (Max. 6 bowlers/pair) MULTIPLE DOUBLES: A bowler is allowed to bowl doubles with up to 4 partners at the same time by paying the appropriate entry fees. Youth bowlers AND Current PBA/PWBA national tour players AND players who have won a national USBC or PBA/PWBA title inthepast 5 years ARE EXCLUDED from this event. Only one PBA/PWBA player per team. Initial Entry Fee is $130 per team ($65 per bowler). Fee breakdown: Prize fund - $77; Lineage - $36; Expenses - $17. a. $45 entry fee for each additional entry. (i.e., bowl with 1 partner - $65; 2 partners - $110; 3 partners - $155, etc.) May cash only once with the same partner 1 in 6 teams will cash. Team Handicap is 90% of the difference between the team average and 440. Minimum individual entering average: 140 NO TEAM CAP. Entering Average: Highest USBC standard composite average from the past 2 seasons (2021/22/ 2022-23 will be used. a. If a bowler does not have a current book average, the current league average of 21 games or more may be used. b. If no current book or league average, the bowler must use the scratch average: Men - 220; Women - 200.
Downloadable Forms:
Rules:   Rules.pdf
Rules:   Flyer (2).png
URL:   https://www.ballsandbabesbowling.com/upcoming-events