2024 Greater CDA USBC Womans City Tournament
Greater CDA USBC Womans City Tournament
Welcome to the 2024 Greater CDA USBC Womans City Tournament

Hosted by Sunset Lanes
Oct 19,2024 to Oct 20,2024

DivisonATeams - $100 entry
DivisionBTeams - $100 entry
DivisionADoubles - $50 entry
DivisionBDoubles - $50 entry
DivisionASingles - $25 entry
DivisionBSingles - $25 entry
All Events HDCP DivisionA - $5 entry
All Events HDCP DivisionB - $5 entry
AllEventsSCH D-A - $5 entry
AllEventsSCH D-B - $5 entry

You can enter this tournament right here at
Just click 'Entry Form' on the green bar above to get started.
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