2023 Meno/Mano Brackets

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Lacey Lieto in Division 1
154+65=219 Lacey Lieto Game 1 (10 brackets)
 L  109 + 112=221 Katherine Rodriguez
 L  203 + 37=240 Tiffany Frazier-Phillips
W 159 + 58=217 Ramona Ravenell
 L  169 + 82=251 Gina Waters
W 131 + 84=215 FranKiesha Jones
W 171 + 18=189 Quantrelle Green
W 103 + 100=203 Elaine Rodriguez
 L  194 + 74=268 Kimbelyn Williams
W 94 + 107=201 Rebecca Harris
 L  198 + 31=229 Barbara Batt
162+65=227 Lacey Lieto Game 2 (5 brackets)
W 151 + 75=226 Lora Lee Burnett
 L  151 + 82=233 Gina Waters
W 164 + 59=223 Merri Wedemeyer
 L  140 + 88=228 Janice Dandridge
 L  197 + 31=228 Barbara Batt
139+65=204 Lacey Lieto Game 3 (2 brackets)  
 L  171 + 74=245 Kimbelyn Williams $10.00
 L  203 + 47=250 Marla McQuay $10.00
Lacey Lieto
Summary for Division 1
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $20.00