Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Corey Constantine in H-1/2/3
149+44=193 Corey Constantine Game 1 (5 brackets)
 L  199 + 40=239 David Bullock
 L  213 + 35=248 Mark Bumgardner
 L  156 + 50=206 Syndiee Volentine
W 104 + 52=156 Terrie Weisse
 L  200 + 38=238 Samantha McCue
166+44=210 Corey Constantine Game 2 (1 bracket)
W 170 + 38=208 Michael Melendez
167+44=211 Corey Constantine Game 3 (1 bracket)  
 L  205 + 25=230 Wally Johnston $10.00
Corey Constantine
Summary for H-1/2/3
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $10.00
Bracket Progress for Corey Constantine in H-2/3/4
166+44=210 Corey Constantine Game 2 (4 brackets)
 L  299 + 12=311 Brandon Schendel
 L  226 + 16=242 Ryan Constantine
 L  235 + 50=285 Syndiee Volentine
W 141 + 29=170 Ken Bairunas
167+44=211 Corey Constantine Game 3 (1 bracket)
 L  215 + 10=225 Dustin Volentine
186 Corey Constantine Game 4 (0 brackets)  
Corey Constantine
Summary for H-2/3/4
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Corey Constantine in H-3/4/5
167+44=211 Corey Constantine Game 3 (4 brackets)
 L  215 + 10=225 Dustin Volentine
 L  199 + 24=223 Guy Jones
W 171 + 37=208 Crystal Tigertail
 L  235 + 16=251 Ryan Constantine
186+44=230 Corey Constantine Game 4 (1 bracket)
W 140 + 24=164 Tony Perin
136+44=180 Corey Constantine Game 5 (1 bracket)  
 L  249 + 16=265 Ryan Constantine $10.00
Corey Constantine
Summary for H-3/4/5
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $10.00
Corey Constantine
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
13 entries = $65.00
Earnings: $20.00