2023 JamzVersity League

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Nathan Johnson in J V HDCP
149+27=176 Nathan Johnson Game 1 (13 brackets)
 L  237 + 18=255 Sam DiGiovine
 L  228 + 27=255 Lionel Johnson
 L  169 + 54=223 Zachary Jimenez JR
 L  225 + 15=240 Mike Heard
 L  144 + 46=190 Jalen Hulse
 L  214 + 27=241 George Gardner
 L  187 + 19=206 Chris Waligora
 L  259 + 18=277 Chris McPherson
 L  215 + 18=233 Allen King
 L  201 + 28=229 Christopher Bailey
 L  279 + 12=291 Marc Ardizzone
 L  168 + 28=196 Robert Williams
 L  256 + 13=269 Lewis Martin
235 Nathan Johnson Game 2 (0 brackets)
235 Nathan Johnson Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Nathan Johnson
Summary for J V HDCP
13 entries @ $5.00 = $65.00
Earnings: $0.00