2023 JamzVersity League

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Lionel Johnson in HDCP
237+27=264 Lionel Johnson Game 1 (4 brackets)
W 125 + 51=176 Robert Young
W 198 + 27=225 George Gardner
 L  268 + 27=295 Christopher Bailey
W 189 + 18=207 Sam DiGiovine
158+27=185 Lionel Johnson Game 2 (3 brackets)
 L  231 + 18=249 Allen King
 L  204 + 27=231 Christopher Bailey
 L  231 + 18=249 Allen King
174 Lionel Johnson Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Lionel Johnson
Summary for HDCP
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $0.00