2024 Balls & Babes Anchor Girl Trios

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Raycine Mortensen in SCR 1-3
210 Raycine Mortensen Game 1 (2 brackets)
 L  259 Cerell Cardines
W 199 Bojay Toki
223 Raycine Mortensen Game 2 (1 bracket)
W 222 Cerell Cardines
248 Raycine Mortensen Game 3 (1 bracket)  
W 239 Marcel Archer $20.00
Raycine Mortensen
Summary for SCR 1-3
2 entries @ $5.00 = $10.00
Earnings: $20.00
Bracket Progress for Raycine Mortensen in SCR 2-4
223 Raycine Mortensen Game 2 (2 brackets)
W 203 Ari Wilson
W 201 George Gohagan III
248 Raycine Mortensen Game 3 (2 brackets)
W 236 Marshall Crider
 L  279 Ari Wilson
211 Raycine Mortensen Game 4 (1 bracket)  
W 195 Jeff Drake $20.00
Raycine Mortensen
Summary for SCR 2-4
2 entries @ $5.00 = $10.00
Earnings: $20.00
Bracket Progress for Raycine Mortensen in SCR Reverse 3-1
248 Raycine Mortensen Game 3 (2 brackets)
W 197 Matt McHann
W 0 Grant Dunigan
223 Raycine Mortensen Game 2 (2 brackets)
W 222 Cerell Cardines
W 203 Ari Wilson
210 Raycine Mortensen Game 1 (2 brackets)  
 L  213 Ari Wilson $10.00
 L  211 Madison Crockett $10.00
Raycine Mortensen
Summary for SCR Reverse 3-1
2 entries @ $5.00 = $10.00
Earnings: $20.00
Bracket Progress for Raycine Mortensen in SCR Reverse4-2
211 Raycine Mortensen Game 4 (2 brackets)
W 184 Ari Wilson
W 0 Grant Dunigan
248 Raycine Mortensen Game 3 (2 brackets)
W 197 Matt McHann
W 239 Marcel Archer
223 Raycine Mortensen Game 2 (2 brackets)  
W 222 Cerell Cardines $25.00
W 222 Cerell Cardines $20.00
Raycine Mortensen
Summary for SCR Reverse4-2
2 entries @ $5.00 = $10.00
Earnings: $45.00
Raycine Mortensen
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
8 entries = $40.00
Earnings: $105.00