Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Debbie Anhorn in Handicap - 2:00PM
180+52=232 Debbie Anhorn Game 1 (4 brackets)
W 144 + 60=204 Jeff Bertrand
 L  191 + 42=233 Jessica Heilig
W 134 + 15=149 Carl Best
W 132 + 63=195 Rachel Hughson
168+52=220 Debbie Anhorn Game 2 (3 brackets)
 L  223 + 35=258 Jerry Worsley
 L  201 + 27=228 Chris Murphy
 L  208 + 83=291 Erin Amond
127 Debbie Anhorn Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Debbie Anhorn
Summary for Handicap - 2:00PM
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $0.00