2024 TV Unlimited Swiss 2024

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Deo Bernard in Games 1-2-3
226 Deo Bernard Game 1 (35 brackets)
 L  239 Mitch Hupe
 L  228 Allex Zieg
W 199 Evan Nash
W 173 Michael Myler
W 223 Giorgio Clinaz
W 225 Jake Peters
W 182 David Woods
 L  236 Dallas Leong
W 168 Conner Archuleta
W 225 Dante Bernal
W 177 Bill Moran
W 206 Mike Holmes
 L  284 Richard Schoffstall
 T 226 John Congro
W 214 Tyler Boe
W 167 Rodney Goodwin
W 194 Shawn Horenberger
W 174 Jason Campbell
W 184 Riley Woodard
 L  233 Josh Blanchard
W 163 Clay Rees
W 209 Steve Schmidt
W 193 Kyle Morrison
W 180 Aidan Piet
W 207 Jake Dobkins
W 192 Luke Brown
 L  236 Chase Nadeau
 L  236 Chase Nadeau
W 194 Shawn Horenberger
W 167 Rodney Goodwin
W 168 Conner Archuleta
W 180 Ken Fong
W 184 Riley Woodard
W 224 Kevin Valmonte
W 162 Bobby Nelson
214 Deo Bernard Game 2 (28 brackets)
W 172 Chase Nadeau
W 207 Evan Nash
W 204 Dallas Leong
 L  223 Jake Peters
 L  234 John Congro
 L  224 Richard Schoffstall
W 172 Chase Nadeau
 L  268 Josh Blanchard
W 172 Chase Nadeau
W 185 Allex Zieg
 L  234 John Congro
    & 185
Allex Zieg
W 172 Chase Nadeau
 L  225 Riley Woodard
W 172 Chase Nadeau
W 203 Dante Bernal
W 208 Mitch Hupe
W 208 Mitch Hupe
W 172 Chase Nadeau
W 204 Dallas Leong
W 202 Steve Schmidt
 L  234 John Congro
W 172 Chase Nadeau
 L  227 Shawn Horenberger
 L  223 Jake Peters
 L  227 Shawn Horenberger
W 169 David Woods
 L  223 Jake Peters
W 172 Chase Nadeau
235 Deo Bernard Game 3 (17 brackets)  
 L  247 Ken Fong $4.00
W 224 Shawn Horenberger $10.00
W 218 Aidan Piet $10.00
W 216 Tyler Boe $10.00
W 227 Rodney Goodwin $10.00
 L  245 John Congro $4.00
W 223 Mike Holmes $10.00
W 224 Shawn Horenberger $10.00
W 206 Jake Dobkins $10.00
 L  251 Jake Peters $4.00
W 206 Jake Dobkins $10.00
W 225 Dallas Leong $10.00
W 178 Richard Schoffstall $10.00
W 225 Dallas Leong $10.00
W 228 Mitch Hupe $10.00
W 225 Dallas Leong $10.00
 L  245 John Congro $4.00
Deo Bernard
Summary for Games 1-2-3
35 entries @ $2.00 = $70.00
Earnings: $146.00
Bracket Progress for Deo Bernard in Super Bracket
226 Deo Bernard Game 1 (1 bracket)
W 172 David Jenkins
214 Deo Bernard Game 2 (1 bracket)
W 169 David Woods
235 Deo Bernard Game 3 (1 bracket)
 L  251 Jake Peters
195 Deo Bernard Game 4 (0 brackets)  
Deo Bernard
Summary for Super Bracket
1 entries @ $5.00 = $5.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Deo Bernard in Games 2-3-4
214 Deo Bernard Game 2 (35 brackets)
W 202 Giorgio Clinaz
W 172 Chase Nadeau
 L  222 Bobby Nelson
 L  227 Shawn Horenberger
 L  234 John Congro
W 208 Jason Campbell
W 203 Mike Holmes
 L  268 Josh Blanchard
W 169 David Woods
W 204 Dallas Leong
W 208 Jason Campbell
 L  225 Riley Woodard
W 207 Evan Nash
W 202 Steve Schmidt
 T 214 Clay Rees
W 174 Aidan Piet
 L  238 Ken Fong
W 177 Conner Archuleta
W 203 Dante Bernal
 L  227 Shawn Horenberger
 L  224 Richard Schoffstall
 L  217 Kevin Valmonte
W 197 Kyle Morrison
W 208 Mitch Hupe
 L  222 Bobby Nelson
 L  231 Jake Dobkins
W 204 Dallas Leong
W 204 Dallas Leong
W 168 Michael Myler
W 169 Bill Moran
 L  290 Rodney Goodwin
 L  243 Tyler Boe
W 185 Allex Zieg
 L  290 Rodney Goodwin
 L  223 Jake Peters
235 Deo Bernard Game 3 (20 brackets)
W 206 Jake Dobkins
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 206 Jake Dobkins
 L  251 Jake Peters
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
 L  251 Jake Peters
W 225 Dallas Leong
W 206 Jake Dobkins
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 208 Clay Rees
W 224 Shawn Horenberger
    & 208
Clay Rees
W 206 Jake Dobkins
 L  258 Kevin Valmonte
W 206 Jake Dobkins
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 206 Jake Dobkins
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 224 Shawn Horenberger
195 Deo Bernard Game 4 (17 brackets)  
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
 L  211 Mitch Hupe $4.00
 L  240 Clay Rees $4.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
 L  240 Clay Rees $4.00
W 187 Ken Fong $10.00
 L  224 Riley Woodard $4.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
 L  224 Riley Woodard $4.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
 L  248 Jake Peters $4.00
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger $4.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
W 187 Ken Fong $10.00
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin $4.00
Deo Bernard
Summary for Games 2-3-4
35 entries @ $2.00 = $70.00
Earnings: $80.00
Bracket Progress for Deo Bernard in Super Duper Bracket
214 Deo Bernard Game 2 (1 bracket)
 L  243 Tyler Boe
235 Deo Bernard Game 3 (0 brackets)
195 Deo Bernard Game 4 (0 brackets)
246 Deo Bernard Game 5 (0 brackets)
177 Deo Bernard Game 6 (0 brackets)  
Deo Bernard
Summary for Super Duper Bracket
1 entries @ $10.00 = $10.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Deo Bernard in Games 3-4-5
235 Deo Bernard Game 3 (35 brackets)
W 206 Jake Dobkins
 L  238 Luke Brown
W 217 Josh Blanchard
 L  245 John Congro
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
 L  247 Ken Fong
W 208 Clay Rees
W 212 Bobby Nelson
W 223 Mike Holmes
W 218 Aidan Piet
W 149 Allex Zieg
W 178 Richard Schoffstall
W 195 Dante Bernal
W 224 Shawn Horenberger
W 160 Chase Nadeau
W 230 Riley Woodard
W 202 Evan Nash
W 176 David Woods
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 223 Giorgio Clinaz
W 227 Rodney Goodwin
W 192 Kyle Morrison
W 206 Jake Dobkins
W 179 Bill Moran
W 225 Dallas Leong
W 208 Clay Rees
 L  251 Jake Peters
W 206 Jake Dobkins
W 218 Aidan Piet
 L  251 Jake Peters
 L  258 Kevin Valmonte
W 216 Tyler Boe
W 208 Clay Rees
W 225 Dallas Leong
W 228 Mitch Hupe
195 Deo Bernard Game 4 (29 brackets)
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
W 192 Luke Brown
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  205 Dallas Leong
 L  240 Clay Rees
 L  211 Mitch Hupe
W 159 John Congro
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
 L  220 Jake Dobkins
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  234 Josh Blanchard
 L  217 Aidan Piet
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  224 Kevin Valmonte
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  208 Richard Schoffstall
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  224 Riley Woodard
246 Deo Bernard Game 5 (2 brackets)  
W 186 Rodney Goodwin $10.00
W 164 Kyle Morrison $10.00
Deo Bernard
Summary for Games 3-4-5
35 entries @ $2.00 = $70.00
Earnings: $20.00
Bracket Progress for Deo Bernard in Games 4-5-6
195 Deo Bernard Game 4 (35 brackets)
W 177 Tyler Boe
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  216 Giorgio Clinaz
W 187 Ken Fong
 L  204 Chase Nadeau
 L  231 Evan Nash
W 147 Bobby Nelson
 L  205 Dallas Leong
 L  196 Kyle Morrison
 L  245 Shawn Horenberger
W 187 Ken Fong
 L  204 Chase Nadeau
W 192 Luke Brown
W 134 Michael Myler
 L  209 David Woods
W 190 Allex Zieg
 L  208 Richard Schoffstall
 L  211 Mitch Hupe
 L  204 Chase Nadeau
 L  217 Aidan Piet
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  214 Mike Holmes
 L  234 Josh Blanchard
 L  220 Jake Dobkins
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
 L  224 Kevin Valmonte
W 134 Michael Myler
W 159 Bill Moran
 L  197 Dante Bernal
 L  240 Clay Rees
 L  204 Chase Nadeau
 L  224 Riley Woodard
W 159 John Congro
 L  248 Jake Peters
 L  214 Rodney Goodwin
246 Deo Bernard Game 5 (10 brackets)
W 233 Clay Rees
W 186 Rodney Goodwin
W 201 Kevin Valmonte
W 186 Rodney Goodwin
W 203 Giorgio Clinaz
 L  248 Shawn Horenberger
 L  247 Jake Peters
W 204 Chase Nadeau
W 206 Dallas Leong
W 204 Chase Nadeau
177 Deo Bernard Game 6 (8 brackets)  
 L  242 Jake Dobkins $4.00
 L  205 Jake Peters $4.00
 L  211 Shawn Horenberger $4.00
 L  178 Clay Rees $4.00
 L  178 Clay Rees $4.00
 L  216 Evan Nash $4.00
 L  216 Evan Nash $4.00
 L  205 Jake Peters $4.00
Deo Bernard
Summary for Games 4-5-6
35 entries @ $2.00 = $70.00
Earnings: $32.00
Deo Bernard
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
142 entries = $295.00
Earnings: $278.00