2024 2024 BOF Evolution League

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Doyle Lee in H123
197+33=230 Doyle Lee Game 1 (10 brackets)
 L  202 + 30=232 Bill Gates
W 144 + 60=204 Matthew Arnall
W 164 + 45=209 Roye Lane
W 172 + 28=200 Mike Mullins
W 169 + 40=209 Tucker Haynes
W 166 + 21=187 Michael Taylor III
W 170 + 55=225 Chris Chainey
W 114 + 53=167 Bobby Parnell
W 161 + 28=189 Brian Welch
 L  233 + 2=235 Jason Britain
184+33=217 Doyle Lee Game 2 (8 brackets)
 L  256 + 14=270 Casey Murphy
 L  177 + 54=231 Gage Hughes
W 175 + 38=213 Lennon Brixey
 L  237 + 2=239 Jason Britain
W 160 + 55=215 Chris Chainey
 L  235 + 15=250 Matt Harper
 L  224 + 0=224 Spencer Robarge
 L  203 + 28=231 Mike Mullins
178+33=211 Doyle Lee Game 3 (2 brackets)  
 L  215 + 15=230 Matt Harper $4.00
 L  215 + 15=230 Matt Harper $4.00
Doyle Lee
Summary for H123
10 entries @ $2.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $8.00
Bracket Progress for Doyle Lee in H321
178+33=211 Doyle Lee Game 3 (10 brackets)
W 177 + 28=205 Mike Mullins
 L  220 + 15=235 Craig Hendrick
 L  179 + 60=239 Matthew Arnall
 L  221 + 28=249 Brian Welch
W 190 + 17=207 Jacob Johnson
 L  225 + 2=227 Jason Britain
 L  199 + 14=213 Casey Murphy
 L  186 + 32=218 Ryan Kruse
 L  159 + 53=212 Bobby Parnell
 L  179 + 36=215 David Collins
184+33=217 Doyle Lee Game 2 (2 brackets)
 L  237 + 2=239 Jason Britain
W 173 + 32=205 Ryan Kruse
197+33=230 Doyle Lee Game 1 (1 bracket)  
W 144 + 60=204 Matthew Arnall $10.00
Doyle Lee
Summary for H321
10 entries @ $2.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $10.00
Doyle Lee
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
20 entries = $40.00
Earnings: $18.00