2024 Vegas Or Bust 9-7-24

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Heather Morkes in Vegas or Bust Brackets
183+18=201 Heather Morkes Game 1 (10 brackets)
W 142 + 55=197 Debbie Pavon
 L  174 + 41=215 Diane Robles
W 112 + 48=160 Charli Bruneck
 L  176 + 58=234 Debbie Lacy
 L  214 + 31=245 Aaron Whitmore
W 126 + 32=158 Rick Guzman
W 153 + 24=177 Ray Diaz
W 140 + 31=171 Dave Rolla
 L  157 + 54=211 David Ben
W 104 + 66=170 Christelle Sayasith
140+18=158 Heather Morkes Game 2 (6 brackets)
 L  194 + 21=215 Tomas Diaz
 L  141 + 73=214 Kathy Hayes
W 108 + 44=152 Chuy Pizano
 L  142 + 67=209 Kristen Goodrich
 L  183 + 44=227 Sylvia Whitmore
 L  266 + 11=277 Chris Curiel
159+18=177 Heather Morkes Game 3 (1 bracket)  
W 145 + 10=155 Price Maron $25.00
Heather Morkes
Summary for Vegas or Bust Brackets
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $25.00