2024 Swaner Monthly Swiss SEPT 22

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Ozzie Gonzales in Games 1-2-3
193+42=235 Ozzie Gonzales Game 1 (3 brackets)
 L  226 + 36=262 Brian Kuykendall
 L  197 + 42=239 Derek Shields
 L  209 + 31=240 Jarad Burdine
212 Ozzie Gonzales Game 2 (0 brackets)
203 Ozzie Gonzales Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for Games 1-2-3
3 entries @ $3.00 = $9.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Ozzie Gonzales in Games 2-3-4
212+42=254 Ozzie Gonzales Game 2 (3 brackets)
W 193 + 16=209 Chris Pierce
 T 247 + 7=254 Jason Youngsman
W 160 + 53=213 Toni Pennington
203+42=245 Ozzie Gonzales Game 3 (3 brackets)
 L  236 + 18=254 Marvin Schmidt
 L  242 + 36=278 Dominique Howard
    & 207 + 7=214
Jason Youngsman
W 190 + 24=214 Jeff Price
181+42=223 Ozzie Gonzales Game 4 (1 bracket)  
 L  222 + 3=225 Kai Pedro $7.00
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for Games 2-3-4
3 entries @ $3.00 = $9.00
Earnings: $7.00
Bracket Progress for Ozzie Gonzales in REV Games 3-2-1
203+42=245 Ozzie Gonzales Game 3 (3 brackets)
 L  247 + 0=247 Jacobi Rennert
W 123 + 33=156 Eddie Burdsall
W 157 + 42=199 David Enriquez
212+42=254 Ozzie Gonzales Game 2 (2 brackets)
W 140 + 44=184 Nico Buchanan
W 171 + 39=210 Francis Limpo
193+42=235 Ozzie Gonzales Game 1 (2 brackets)  
W 180 + 36=216 Dominique Howard $14.00
W 172 + 30=202 Michael Yost $14.00
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for REV Games 3-2-1
3 entries @ $3.00 = $9.00
Earnings: $28.00
Bracket Progress for Ozzie Gonzales in REV Games 4-3-2
181+42=223 Ozzie Gonzales Game 4 (3 brackets)
W 181 + 7=188 Jason Youngsman
 L  223 + 30=253 Monica McCormick
W 217 + 0=217 Jacobi Rennert
203+42=245 Ozzie Gonzales Game 3 (2 brackets)
 L  258 + 19=277 Willie Manning, Jr
W 148 + 36=184 Brian Kuykendall
212+42=254 Ozzie Gonzales Game 2 (1 bracket)  
W 180 + 18=198 Jason Hrdlicka $14.00
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for REV Games 4-3-2
3 entries @ $3.00 = $9.00
Earnings: $14.00
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
12 entries = $36.00
Earnings: $49.00