2024 BCB October 2024 Handicap Team

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Lionel Johnson in 3-HDCP FWD (185 & Above)
186+20=206 Lionel Johnson Game 1 (10 brackets)
 L  245 + 0=245 Joe Brannon
 L  199 + 12=211 Frederick Llenasrez (JR)
W 186 + 19=205 Kenneth Puett II
 L  201 + 9=210 Christopher Park
 L  212 + 5=217 Jeremy Cruz
 L  193 + 20=213 Demetrius Duggans
W 129 + 15=144 Chad Hawk
W 170 + 29=199 Andrew Vasquez
 L  224 + 20=244 Eric Brown
 L  290 + 0=290 Jarrod McComas
275+20=295 Lionel Johnson Game 2 (3 brackets)
W 172 + 18=190 Joseph Newman
W 172 + 26=198 Cedric Brown
W 182 + 20=202 Eric Brown
223+20=243 Lionel Johnson Game 3 (3 brackets)  
W 228 + 0=228 Jarrod McComas $20.00
W 228 + 0=228 Jarrod McComas $25.00
 L  233 + 24=257 Mike Crum $10.00
Lionel Johnson
Summary for 3-HDCP FWD (185 & Above)
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $55.00
Bracket Progress for Lionel Johnson in 4-HDCP REV (185 & Above)
223+20=243 Lionel Johnson Game 3 (10 brackets)
 L  256 + 0=256 Joe Brannon
W 193 + 5=198 Lou Smith
W 221 + 20=241 Demetrius Duggans
 L  268 + 0=268 Bailey Purcell
W 0 + 198=198 (+198) Bye Bye
 L  223 + 30=253 Libby Crum
W 162 + 12=174 Frederick Llenasrez (JR)
W 176 + 13=189 Pablo Lakilak
 L  215 + 30=245 Mark Miller
W 228 + 0=228 Jarrod McComas
275+20=295 Lionel Johnson Game 2 (6 brackets)
W 235 + 0=235 Josh Hall
W 232 + 20=252 Demetrius Duggans
    & 203 + 21=224
Dick Kanatzar
W 215 + 0=215 Joe Brannon
W 279 + 0=279 Bailey Purcell
W 181 + 10=191 James Lee
W 192 + 5=197 Lou Smith
186+20=206 Lionel Johnson Game 1 (6 brackets)  
 L  238 + 21=259 Dick Kanatzar $10.00
 L  290 + 0=290 Jarrod McComas $10.00
 L  224 + 11=235 Crystal Stutler $10.00
 L  238 + 21=259 Dick Kanatzar $10.00
 L  245 + 0=245 Joe Brannon $10.00
 L  245 + 0=245 Joe Brannon $10.00
Lionel Johnson
Summary for 4-HDCP REV (185 & Above)
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $60.00
Lionel Johnson
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
20 entries = $100.00
Earnings: $115.00