2024 Central Texas USBC Senior Tournament

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for John Smith in Handicap Brackets
193+40=233 John Smith Game 1 (2 brackets)
W 170 + 15=185 Wyman Powers
W 142 + 40=182 David Fambrough
168+40=208 John Smith Game 2 (2 brackets)
W 168 + 28=196 Stanley Waters
W 171 + 32=203 Lance Foote
155+40=195 John Smith Game 3 (2 brackets)  
W 114 + 79=193 Loretta Shatto $25.00
W 157 + 24=181 Ron Dinwiddie $25.00
John Smith
Summary for Handicap Brackets
2 entries @ $5.00 = $10.00
Earnings: $50.00
Bracket Progress for John Smith in Scratch Brackets
193 John Smith Game 1 (1 bracket)
W 177 George Chapman
168 John Smith Game 2 (1 bracket)
 L  203 Rullie Haywood
155 John Smith Game 3 (0 brackets)  
John Smith
Summary for Scratch Brackets
1 entries @ $5.00 = $5.00
Earnings: $0.00
John Smith
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
3 entries = $15.00
Earnings: $50.00