2024-25 Monday Night Supper Club

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Darian Austile in Handicap OPEN
182+26=208 Darian Austile Game 1 (4 brackets)
W 115 + 88=203 Michael Desautels
 L  225 + 48=273 DeShawn Edmund
W 115 + 80=195 Bruce Thomas
 L  194 + 42=236 John Lewis
206+26=232 Darian Austile Game 2 (2 brackets)
 L  229 + 20=249 Gregory Davis
 L  214 + 48=262 DeShawn Edmund
160 Darian Austile Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Darian Austile
Summary for Handicap OPEN
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $0.00