2024 Canadian Thanksgiving Tournament

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Michael Vitale in GMS 2-3-4
201 Michael Vitale Game 2 (6 brackets)
 L  288 Darren Alexander
 L  227 Brad Walton
W 175 Chantal Garrod
W 133 Chris Beaulieu
W 182 Jacob Johnson
 L  202 Joel Lewsaw
201 Michael Vitale Game 3 (3 brackets)
 L  227 Darren Alexander
W 161 Trevor Martin
 L  227 Darren Alexander
185 Michael Vitale Game 4 (1 bracket)  
 L  234 Darren Alexander $10.00
Michael Vitale
Summary for GMS 2-3-4
6 entries @ $5.00 = $30.00
Earnings: $10.00