2024 Monday Night Mens Brackets 10/14/24

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Brian Kuykendall in Division 1
234+0=234 Brian Kuykendall Game 1 (9 brackets)
 L  258 + 0=258 Robertson Jakob
W 201 + 0=201 Hartigan Lucas
W 140 + 13=153 Jeremy Morton
W 120 + 47=167 Greg Lipscomb
W 201 + 0=201 Hartigan Lucas
W 192 + 40=232 Andre Bardwell
 L  233 + 10=243 Gavin Robertson
 L  235 + 40=275 Jasper Netter
W 214 + 0=214 Donnie Wilson
244+0=244 Brian Kuykendall Game 2 (6 brackets)
 L  266 + 10=276 Gavin Robertson
W 202 + 39=241 Tim Byers
W 215 + 0=215 Robertson Jakob
W 215 + 0=215 Robertson Jakob
W 215 + 2=217 Jason Conell
W 215 + 2=217 Jason Conell
258+0=258 Brian Kuykendall Game 3 (5 brackets)  
W 223 + 10=233 Gavin Robertson $25.00
W 223 + 10=233 Gavin Robertson $25.00
W 223 + 10=233 Gavin Robertson $25.00
W 223 + 10=233 Gavin Robertson $25.00
 L  225 + 39=264 Tim Byers $10.00
Brian Kuykendall
Summary for Division 1
9 entries @ $5.00 = $45.00
Earnings: $110.00