2024 OGDEN Fall Premier Doubles

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Ozzie Gonzales in Games 1-2-3
192+46=238 Ozzie Gonzales Game 1 (6 brackets)
 L  245 + 0=245 Connor Rinauro
W 183 + 10=193 Zac Clute
W 213 + 9=222 Kent Hanson
W 190 + 11=201 Darrek Storkson
 L  227 + 16=243 Roy Emerson
W 212 + 21=233 Mark Roach
143+46=189 Ozzie Gonzales Game 2 (4 brackets)
 L  192 + 21=213 Mark Roach
 L  216 + 28=244 Ben Goldstein
 L  228 + 29=257 Brian Kuykendall
 L  200 + 23=223 Michael Gilbert
171 Ozzie Gonzales Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for Games 1-2-3
6 entries @ $3.00 = $18.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Ozzie Gonzales in REV Games 3-2-1
171+46=217 Ozzie Gonzales Game 3 (6 brackets)
W 144 + 6=150 Vince Cooper
 L  176 + 63=239 Stephanie Sivertson
 L  194 + 28=222 Ben Goldstein
W 195 + 10=205 Zac Clute
W 191 + 21=212 Mark Roach
W 171 + 32=203 Dave Wilson
143+46=189 Ozzie Gonzales Game 2 (4 brackets)
 L  136 + 118=254 Brittany Sass
 L  178 + 32=210 Dave Wilson
W 169 + 19=188 Dean Anthony
 L  249 + 16=265 Roy Emerson
192+46=238 Ozzie Gonzales Game 1 (1 bracket)  
 L  231 + 37=268 Joe Zapalac $7.00
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for REV Games 3-2-1
6 entries @ $3.00 = $18.00
Earnings: $7.00
Ozzie Gonzales
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
12 entries = $36.00
Earnings: $7.00