2024 Brunswick KOTH Baker

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Carlen Coakley in Games 3-4-5
255 Carlen Coakley Game 3 (4 brackets)
W 192 Levi Currence
W 176 Tyler Harmon
W 206 Branden McVicker
W 216 Bob Jones
245 Carlen Coakley Game 4 (4 brackets)
W 212 Brian Currence
W 212 Brian Currence
 L  290 Bob Murgatroyd
W 212 Brian Currence
240 Carlen Coakley Game 5 (3 brackets)  
W 221 Bob Murgatroyd $125.00
W 221 Bob Murgatroyd $125.00
W 221 Bob Murgatroyd $125.00
Carlen Coakley
Summary for Games 3-4-5
4 entries @ $25.00 = $100.00
Earnings: $375.00
Bracket Progress for Carlen Coakley in Games 6-7-8
225 Carlen Coakley Game 6 (4 brackets)
 L  230 Amber Sells
W 202 Bob Jones
 L  244 Bob Murgatroyd
W 203 Brian Currence
173 Carlen Coakley Game 7 (2 brackets)
 L  214 Austin Sidwell
 L  245 Bob Murgatroyd
237 Carlen Coakley Game 8 (0 brackets)  
Carlen Coakley
Summary for Games 6-7-8
4 entries @ $25.00 = $100.00
Earnings: $0.00
Carlen Coakley
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
8 entries = $200.00
Earnings: $375.00