2024 EBA Strikers

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Charlie Forero in Scr 10am
247 Charlie Forero Game 1 (16 brackets)
 L  265 Gary Lamberg
 T 247 Ryan Goodrich
W 215 Quinn Bostic
 T 247 Ryan Goodrich
 L  300 Garrett Thompson
W 215 Dennis Psarapoulos
W 0 Bye Bye
W 215 Quinn Bostic
W 201 Zachary Jassenoff
 L  269 Ryan Toffoli
W 215 Quinn Bostic
W 215 Dennis Psarapoulos
W 215 Dennis Psarapoulos
W 215 Quinn Bostic
 T 247 Fernando Guadalupe
W 201 Jason Smith
269 Charlie Forero Game 2 (13 brackets)
W 264 Garrett Thompson
W 229 Ryan Goodrich
    & 214
Dennis Psarapoulos
W 229 Ryan Goodrich
    & 214
Dennis Psarapoulos
W 225 Gary Lamberg
W 225 Gary Lamberg
W 214 Dennis Psarapoulos
W 192 Fernando Guadalupe
W 264 Garrett Thompson
W 223 Jason Smith
W 264 Garrett Thompson
W 264 Garrett Thompson
W 225 Gary Lamberg
W 214 Dennis Psarapoulos
    & 192
Fernando Guadalupe
218 Charlie Forero Game 3 (13 brackets)  
 L  258 Garrett Thompson $10.00
 L  258 Garrett Thompson $10.00
 L  247 Ryan Goodrich $10.00
 L  247 Ryan Goodrich $10.00
 L  258 Garrett Thompson $10.00
 L  222 Ryan Toffoli $10.00
 L  258 Garrett Thompson $10.00
 L  247 Ryan Goodrich $10.00
 L  258 Garrett Thompson
    & 199
Quinn Bostic
 L  258 Garrett Thompson
    & 199
Quinn Bostic
 L  258 Garrett Thompson $10.00
 L  258 Garrett Thompson $10.00
 L  258 Garrett Thompson
    & 199
Quinn Bostic
Charlie Forero
Summary for Scr 10am
16 entries @ $5.00 = $80.00
Earnings: $130.00