Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Cortnee Bates in H-1/2/3
244+26=270 Cortnee Bates Game 1 (4 brackets)
W 253 + 7=260 Dustin Volentine
 L  279 + 25=304 Raymond Tigertail
W 159 + 39=198 Crystal Tigertail
W 195 + 15=210 John Hough
168+26=194 Cortnee Bates Game 2 (3 brackets)
 L  183 + 42=225 John Pfleshinger
W 137 + 25=162 Raymond Tigertail
 L  213 + 21=234 Josh Heinkel
208+26=234 Cortnee Bates Game 3 (1 bracket)  
W 225 + 7=232 Dustin Volentine $25.00
Cortnee Bates
Summary for H-1/2/3
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $25.00
Bracket Progress for Cortnee Bates in H-2/3/4
168+26=194 Cortnee Bates Game 2 (5 brackets)
 L  237 + 15=252 John Hough
W 137 + 25=162 Raymond Tigertail
 L  202 + 39=241 Crystal Tigertail
 L  201 + 17=218 Ryan Constantine
 L  268 + 5=273 Mark Polaski Jr
208+26=234 Cortnee Bates Game 3 (1 bracket)
 L  236 + 5=241 Mark Polaski Jr
233 Cortnee Bates Game 4 (0 brackets)  
Cortnee Bates
Summary for H-2/3/4
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $0.00
Cortnee Bates
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
9 entries = $45.00
Earnings: $25.00