2025 TBT New Year's Day '25 Bakers Doubles

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Boothe E Smith E in 370 Division (Games 1-3)
163 Boothe E Smith E Game 1 (4 brackets)
 L  208 Steele Lemos
 L  191 Curtis K Biedinger A
 L  179 Newman S Nault C
W 159 Rose D Foos (L)
180 Boothe E Smith E Game 2 (1 bracket)
 L  235 Green T Glover S
168 Boothe E Smith E Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Boothe E Smith E
Summary for 370 Division (Games 1-3)
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Boothe E Smith E in 370 Division (Games 4-6)
191 Boothe E Smith E Game 4 (4 brackets)
W 179 Meyer Chase
W 178 Rose D Foos (L)
W 152 Ellis A Ellis W
W 170 Curran W Curran M
194 Boothe E Smith E Game 5 (4 brackets)
W 135 Curran W Curran M
W 187 Harris R Harris J
 L  225 Hardacker M Nelson K
 L  241 Steele Lemos
191 Boothe E Smith E Game 6 (2 brackets)  
 L  227 Steele Lemos $10.00
W 136 Duarte S Finn M $25.00
Boothe E Smith E
Summary for 370 Division (Games 4-6)
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $35.00
Boothe E Smith E
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
8 entries = $40.00
Earnings: $35.00