2025 Bud Callahan 01/02/2025

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Ty Alston in Division 1 hdcp
237+21=258 Ty Alston Game 1 (8 brackets)
W 249 + 3=252 Matt Brockett
W 227 + 30=257 Marcel Gervais Jr.
W 218 + 17=235 Robert Best
 L  243 + 17=260 Justin Urbano
W 191 + 36=227 Jacques Smith
W 172 + 27=199 Robb Best
W 237 + 19=256 Glenn Gauthier
W 168 + 27=195 Don Fuller
231+21=252 Ty Alston Game 2 (7 brackets)
 L  238 + 17=255 Justin Urbano
 L  238 + 17=255 Justin Urbano
W 182 + 19=201 Akeem Wright
 L  213 + 54=267 Donald Beach
W 173 + 18=191 Jack Scanlon
 L  226 + 30=256 Marcel Gervais Jr.
W 193 + 27=220 Robb Best
188+21=209 Ty Alston Game 3 (3 brackets)  
 L  208 + 17=225 Justin Urbano $10.00
 L  208 + 17=225 Justin Urbano $10.00
 L  222 + 3=225 Matt Brockett $10.00
Ty Alston
Summary for Division 1 hdcp
8 entries @ $5.00 = $40.00
Earnings: $30.00
Bracket Progress for Ty Alston in Division 2 scratch
237 Ty Alston Game 1 (10 brackets)
 L  243 Justin Urbano
 L  248 Aaron Wilder
 L  259 John Hurst
 L  249 Matt Brockett
 L  255 Keith DeMaine
 L  243 Justin Urbano
 L  258 Aaron Kearse
W 181 Krystal Bryant
W 235 Mark Bouchard
W 205 Joey Stango
231 Ty Alston Game 2 (3 brackets)
 L  236 Keith DeMaine
 L  238 Justin Urbano
W 210 John Hurst
188 Ty Alston Game 3 (1 bracket)  
 L  208 Keith DeMaine $10.00
Ty Alston
Summary for Division 2 scratch
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $10.00
Ty Alston
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
18 entries = $90.00
Earnings: $40.00