2025 USBC Brackets

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Christopher Ekstrom in Scratch 1-3
300 Christopher Ekstrom Game 1 (5 brackets)
W 219 Keith Pridgen
W 0 Bye Bye
W 220 Joseph Li
W 221 Lee Patterson
W 231 Cody Herzog
244 Christopher Ekstrom Game 2 (5 brackets)
 L  246 Matt Kish
W 200 Russ Thatcher
W 200 Russ Thatcher
 L  300 Armando Godoy
W 179 Lee Patterson
290 Christopher Ekstrom Game 3 (3 brackets)  
 L  300 Armando Godoy $10.00
 L  300 Armando Godoy $10.00
 L  300 Armando Godoy $10.00
Christopher Ekstrom
Summary for Scratch 1-3
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $30.00
Bracket Progress for Christopher Ekstrom in Handi 200+ 1-3
300+12=312 Christopher Ekstrom Game 1 (10 brackets)
W 264 + 9=273 Peter Quiambao Jr.
W 243 + 8=251 Tion Lofton
W 231 + -4=227 Cody Herzog
W 221 + 4=225 Lee Patterson
W 242 + 7=249 Aaron Washington
W 266 + 9=275 Michael Wells
 L  298 + 15=313 Cody Patterson
W 208 + 15=223 Richard Sanchez
W 265 + 16=281 Bryan. Sanford.
W 264 + 7=271 Russ Thatcher
244+12=256 Christopher Ekstrom Game 2 (9 brackets)
W 200 + 7=207 Russ Thatcher
W 244 + -4=240 Cody Herzog
 L  278 + 9=287 Michael Wells
W 239 + 15=254 Cody Patterson
 L  278 + 9=287 Michael Wells
 L  242 + 16=258 Michael Morgan
 L  268 + 8=276 Tion Lofton
 L  268 + 8=276 Tion Lofton
W 200 + 7=207 Russ Thatcher
290+12=302 Christopher Ekstrom Game 3 (4 brackets)  
W 184 + 16=200 Bryan. Sanford. $25.00
W 285 + 9=294 Michael Wells $25.00
W 285 + 9=294 Michael Wells $25.00
W 285 + 9=294 Michael Wells $25.00
Christopher Ekstrom
Summary for Handi 200+ 1-3
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $100.00
Bracket Progress for Christopher Ekstrom in Scratch 2-4
244 Christopher Ekstrom Game 2 (5 brackets)
 L  268 Tion Lofton
 L  260 Michael Goich
 T 244 Cody Herzog
 L  268 Keith Pridgen
 L  252 CJ Honciano
290 Christopher Ekstrom Game 3 (1 bracket)
 L  300 Cody Herzog
    & 209
Michael Goich
240 Christopher Ekstrom Game 4 (0 brackets)  
Christopher Ekstrom
Summary for Scratch 2-4
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Christopher Ekstrom in Handi 200+ 2-4
244+12=256 Christopher Ekstrom Game 2 (10 brackets)
W 179 + 4=183 Lee Patterson
 L  260 + 15=275 Michael Goich
 L  278 + 9=287 Michael Wells
W 200 + 7=207 Russ Thatcher
W 203 + 15=218 Richard Sanchez
W 222 + 16=238 Jeff Morzono
 L  264 + 7=271 Aaron Washington
 L  268 + 8=276 Tion Lofton
W 239 + 15=254 Cody Patterson
W 0 + -8=-8 (+-8) Bye Bye
290+12=302 Christopher Ekstrom Game 3 (6 brackets)
W 285 + 9=294 Michael Wells
W 257 + 8=265 Tion Lofton
W 222 + 15=237 Cody Patterson
W 156 + 12=168 CJ Honciano
W 272 + 16=288 Michael Morgan
W 257 + 8=265 Tion Lofton
240+12=252 Christopher Ekstrom Game 4 (6 brackets)  
W 225 + 12=237 Adrian Erickson $25.00
W 243 + -4=239 Cody Herzog $25.00
W 210 + 7=217 Ernie Nisperos $25.00
W 236 + 9=245 Michael Wells $25.00
W 236 + 9=245 Michael Wells $25.00
W 236 + 9=245 Michael Wells $20.00
Christopher Ekstrom
Summary for Handi 200+ 2-4
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $145.00
Christopher Ekstrom
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
30 entries = $150.00
Earnings: $275.00