2025 USBC Brackets

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Kelly Ford in Handi 199- 1-3
194+23=217 Kelly Ford Game 1 (3 brackets)
 L  211 + 38=249 Vonnie Robinson
 L  220 + 30=250 Joseph Li
 L  233 + 24=257 Harry Strong Jr.
256 Kelly Ford Game 2 (0 brackets)
232 Kelly Ford Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Kelly Ford
Summary for Handi 199- 1-3
3 entries @ $5.00 = $15.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Kelly Ford in Handi 199- 2-4
256+23=279 Kelly Ford Game 2 (3 brackets)
W 163 + 29=192 Corey Savinski
W 203 + 47=250 Anita Jones
W 181 + 34=215 Kelly Reddell
232+23=255 Kelly Ford Game 3 (3 brackets)
W 154 + 40=194 Robert Kilbourne Sr.
W 198 + 40=238 Bradley Kitaoka
 L  264 + 50=314 Justina Gomez
193+23=216 Kelly Ford Game 4 (2 brackets)  
 L  241 + 76=317 Danielle Kitaoka $10.00
 L  178 + 50=228 Justina Gomez $10.00
Kelly Ford
Summary for Handi 199- 2-4
3 entries @ $5.00 = $15.00
Earnings: $20.00
Kelly Ford
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
6 entries = $30.00
Earnings: $20.00