2025 2025 GLAC USBC Women's Champ (S)

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Vicki Darling in Handicap
162+71=233 Vicki Darling Game 1 (20 brackets)
W 179 + 33=212 Nataki Williams
W 147 + 54=201 Marilee Mauldin
W 145 + 51=196 Stephanie Wheaton
W 171 + 53=224 Susan Ebilane
W 138 + 33=171 Arceli Lachmansingh
W 93 + 86=179 JUDY C HULING
W 118 + 40=158 Liz Weise
W 119 + 45=164 Beth Austria
W 138 + 40=178 Pat Garner
W 172 + 41=213 Sahng Lim-Prom
W 171 + 27=198 Stacee Kosaka
W 135 + 44=179 Delailah Hernandez
W 164 + 67=231 Taneka Beckett
 T 139 + 94=233 Genangie Sanders
W 182 + 38=220 Deborah Sanders
 L  212 + 38=250 Kortnee Jackson
W 201 + 24=225 Kathy George
 L  207 + 36=243 Lisa Whalen
W 149 + 51=200 Marilyn Pugh
 L  243 + 12=255 Akayla Orosco
156+71=227 Vicki Darling Game 2 (17 brackets)
W 123 + 67=190 Taneka Beckett
W 183 + 12=195 Akayla Orosco
W 115 + 52=167 Mylaunna Lee
W 181 + 45=226 Mylene Perez
W 146 + 59=205 Maricel Ocampo
W 149 + 41=190 Colleen Simpson
W 178 + 47=225 Chikie Tolentino
W 141 + 51=192 Marilyn Pugh
W 166 + 36=202 Lisa Whalen
 L  225 + 24=249 Kathy George
 L  236 + 38=274 Kortnee Jackson
W 113 + 66=179 Debra Parker
W 116 + 94=210 Genangie Sanders
W 158 + 53=211 Susan Ebilane
 L  224 + 33=257 Nataki Williams
W 156 + 55=211 Morag Knapp
W 119 + 71=190 Valeria Hernandez
    & 116 + 94=210
Genangie Sanders
148+71=219 Vicki Darling Game 3 (14 brackets)  
W 191 + 24=215 Kathy George $25.00
W 191 + 24=215 Kathy George $25.00
 L  203 + 38=241 Kortnee Jackson $10.00
W 191 + 24=215 Kathy George $25.00
W 191 + 24=215 Kathy George $25.00
 L  245 + 38=283 Deborah Sanders $10.00
 L  236 + 23=259 Corralee Clark-Schreiner $10.00
 L  185 + 54=239 Marilee Mauldin $10.00
 L  203 + 38=241 Kortnee Jackson $10.00
W 150 + 62=212 Michelle Davis $25.00
 L  203 + 38=241 Kortnee Jackson $10.00
 L  185 + 54=239 Marilee Mauldin $10.00
 L  203 + 38=241 Kortnee Jackson $10.00
W 137 + 68=205 Kristine Bamattre $25.00
Vicki Darling
Summary for Handicap
20 entries @ $5.00 = $100.00
Earnings: $230.00