Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Chris Cardwell in HANDICAP BRACKETS
195+15=210 Chris Cardwell Game 1 (15 brackets)
 L  135 + 87=222 Casey Mahoney
W 163 + 27=190 Megan Perraut
W 147 + 11=158 Greg Jones
W 169 + 14=183 Ronnie Collins
 L  159 + 72=231 Sarah Figg
 L  225 + 7=232 Andrew Wills
W 189 + 20=209 Chris Reffett
W 192 + 15=207 Charles Roberts
 L  290 + 1=291 Anthony Withrow Jr
 L  193 + 19=212 Tracy Brown
 L  199 + 12=211 Benjamin Parsons
W 157 + 40=197 Lee Larry
W 152 + 19=171 Robert (Alan) White
 L  232 + 17=249 Tanner Collins
W 147 + 23=170 David Prentice
228+15=243 Chris Cardwell Game 2 (8 brackets)
W 180 + 12=192 Benjamin Parsons
W 167 + 20=187 Chris Reffett
W 119 + 87=206 Casey Mahoney
W 191 + 21=212 Mike Wachter
W 223 + 1=224 Anthony Withrow Jr
W 223 + 1=224 Anthony Withrow Jr
W 128 + 23=151 Bill Wise
W 191 + 21=212 Mike Wachter
190+15=205 Chris Cardwell Game 3 (8 brackets)  
W 191 + 12=203 Benjamin Parsons $25.00
W 187 + 15=202 Thomas Redmon $25.00
 L  201 + 15=216 Charles Roberts $10.00
 L  142 + 72=214 Sarah Figg $10.00
 L  142 + 72=214 Sarah Figg $10.00
W 187 + 15=202 Thomas Redmon $25.00
 L  223 + 1=224 Anthony Withrow Jr $10.00
 L  223 + 1=224 Anthony Withrow Jr $10.00
Chris Cardwell
15 entries @ $5.00 = $75.00
Earnings: $125.00
Bracket Progress for Chris Cardwell in Scratch Brackets
195 Chris Cardwell Game 1 (10 brackets)
 L  247 Allen Wachter
W 167 Jonathan Smith
 L  225 Andrew Wills
W 116 Jared Grant
 T 195 Phillip Whitaker
 L  290 Anthony Withrow Jr
 L  217 Brandon Wooton
 L  215 Jordan Whitaker
 L  216 Thomas Redmon
 T 195 Eddie Feeback
228 Chris Cardwell Game 2 (4 brackets)
 L  238 Charles Roberts
W 167 Jonathan Smith
W 191 Phillip Whitaker
    & 174
Brandon Wooton
 L  268 Eddie Feeback
    & 218
Allen Wachter
190 Chris Cardwell Game 3 (2 brackets)  
W 181 Samuel Wooton $25.00
W 188 Jordan Whitaker $25.00
Chris Cardwell
Summary for Scratch Brackets
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $50.00
Chris Cardwell
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
25 entries = $125.00
Earnings: $175.00