2024 Ten Pinners

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Kyle Glasgow in Division 1
209+26=235 Kyle Glasgow Game 1 (5 brackets)
 L  258 + 17=275 Leonard Littleton
W 173 + 54=227 Robert Thompson
W 178 + 16=194 Anthony Smith
W 148 + 49=197 Shelley Taylor
W 146 + 48=194 Sara Boyington
259+26=285 Kyle Glasgow Game 2 (4 brackets)
W 215 + 39=254 Onnie Cooper
W 173 + 36=209 Lisa Willis
W 245 + 17=262 Leonard Littleton
W 196 + 14=210 Christopher Neloms
189+26=215 Kyle Glasgow Game 3 (4 brackets)  
W 158 + 17=175 Leonard Littleton $25.00
 L  183 + 54=237 Robert Thompson $10.00
W 167 + 36=203 Doug Welborn $25.00
 L  245 + 21=266 Abe Newsome $10.00
Kyle Glasgow
Summary for Division 1
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $70.00