Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Matt Bartle in H-1/2/3
276+16=292 Matt Bartle Game 1 (10 brackets)
W 236 + 24=260 Chris Odom
W 196 + 30=226 Corey Green
W 132 + 54=186 Ed Hayes
W 153 + 65=218 Helena Odom
 L  300 + 42=342 Richard Bates
W 216 + 23=239 Raymond Velez
W 0 + 0=0 (+0) Bye Bye
 L  266 + 28=294 Parker Lakilak
 L  245 + 58=303 Connie Tilley
 L  278 + 20=298 Pablo Lakilak
186+16=202 Matt Bartle Game 2 (6 brackets)
 L  215 + 58=273 Connie Tilley
 L  178 + 31=209 Matt Sciullo
 L  209 + 42=251 Richard Bates
 L  173 + 48=221 Cindy Hay
 L  223 + 47=270 John Downs, Jr
 L  297 + 9=306 Carmine Ferrraro
244 Matt Bartle Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Matt Bartle
Summary for H-1/2/3
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Matt Bartle in HR-3/2/1
244+16=260 Matt Bartle Game 3 (9 brackets)
W 208 + 20=228 Pablo Lakilak
W 185 + 23=208 Raymond Velez
 L  297 + 27=324 Caleb White
 L  266 + 28=294 Parker Lakilak
 L  278 + 30=308 Corey Green
W 216 + 20=236 Larry VanSkoik
W 0 + 0=0 (+0) Bye Bye
W 137 + 58=195 Connie Tilley
W 221 + 9=230 Carmine Ferrraro
186+16=202 Matt Bartle Game 2 (6 brackets)
 L  241 + 18=259 Andrew Bergens
 L  278 + 28=306 Parker Lakilak
 L  198 + 48=246 Alyssa Ramirez
 L  278 + 28=306 Parker Lakilak
 L  178 + 31=209 Matt Sciullo
 L  190 + 20=210 Pablo Lakilak
276 Matt Bartle Game 1 (0 brackets)  
Matt Bartle
Summary for HR-3/2/1
9 entries @ $5.00 = $45.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Matt Bartle in H-4/5/6
191+16=207 Matt Bartle Game 4 (10 brackets)
W 113 + 92=205 Emily Melnick
 L  179 + 32=211 Cox Elmer
 L  215 + 28=243 Parker Lakilak
W 160 + 30=190 Corey Green
W 0 + 0=0 (+0) Bye Bye
 L  177 + 58=235 Connie Tilley
 L  226 + 39=265 Kim Kukielka
 L  212 + 18=230 Andrew Bergens
 L  243 + 14=257 Tyler Christian
 L  211 + 26=237 Patrick Kearney
181+16=197 Matt Bartle Game 5 (3 brackets)
 L  160 + 48=208 Cindy Hay
 L  186 + 26=212 Patrick Kearney
 L  179 + 28=207 Parker Lakilak
199 Matt Bartle Game 6 (0 brackets)  
Matt Bartle
Summary for H-4/5/6
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $0.00
Bracket Progress for Matt Bartle in S-4/5/6
191 Matt Bartle Game 4 (4 brackets)
 L  223 Brandon Parker
W 190 Raymond Velez
W 0 Bye Bye
 L  212 Andrew Bergens
181 Matt Bartle Game 5 (2 brackets)
W 169 Brandon Parker
W 169 Brandon Parker
199 Matt Bartle Game 6 (2 brackets)  
W 187 Andrew Bergens $22.00
 L  238 Patrick Kearney $8.00
Matt Bartle
Summary for S-4/5/6
4 entries @ $5.00 = $20.00
Earnings: $30.00
Bracket Progress for Matt Bartle in HR-6/5/4
199+16=215 Matt Bartle Game 6 (10 brackets)
 L  209 + 31=240 Matt Sciullo
W 136 + 58=194 Connie Tilley
W 187 + 18=205 Andrew Bergens
 L  209 + 36=245 Dominick Cavalieri
 L  212 + 27=239 William White
W 0 + 0=0 (+0) Bye Bye
W 183 + 20=203 Pablo Lakilak
W 176 + 28=204 Parker Lakilak
W 178 + 30=208 Corey Green
 L  193 + 39=232 Kim Kukielka
181+16=197 Matt Bartle Game 5 (6 brackets)
 L  179 + 28=207 Parker Lakilak
 L  245 + 36=281 Dominick Cavalieri
 L  179 + 28=207 Parker Lakilak
 L  213 + 27=240 William White
W 135 + 47=182 Karin Miller
 L  160 + 48=208 Cindy Hay
191+16=207 Matt Bartle Game 4 (1 bracket)  
 L  212 + 18=230 Andrew Bergens $10.00
Matt Bartle
Summary for HR-6/5/4
10 entries @ $5.00 = $50.00
Earnings: $10.00
Matt Bartle
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
43 entries = $215.00
Earnings: $40.00