2025 Thursday Thunder '25

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Michael Chitwood in HDCP 02/06
212+27=239 Michael Chitwood Game 1 (5 brackets)
W 160 + 17=177 Brandon Goolsby
W 208 + 22=230 John Jones
W 125 + 73=198 Kim Willis
W 179 + 47=226 Jonathan Quirein
W 201 + 27=228 John Sini
212+27=239 Michael Chitwood Game 2 (5 brackets)
W 200 + 11=211 Ken Brown
W 166 + 45=211 Kevin Cosper
W 225 + 11=236 Scott Stafford
W 148 + 47=195 Jonathan Quirein
W 225 + 11=236 Scott Stafford
191+27=218 Michael Chitwood Game 3 (5 brackets)  
W 159 + 31=190 John Allmon $25.00
W 167 + 45=212 Bob Weenink $25.00
W 159 + 31=190 John Allmon $25.00
W 159 + 31=190 John Allmon $25.00
W 182 + 30=212 Steve Ammons $25.00
Michael Chitwood
Summary for HDCP 02/06
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $125.00