2025 Bluewater Monday Night Men's League

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Tyler Hoadley in HC Brackets
211+28=239 Tyler Hoadley Game 1 (14 brackets)
W 161 + 46=207 Dave Little
W 168 + 35=203 Fred Harris
W 183 + 18=201 Chris Murph
W 235 + 0=235 Ben Lapointe
W 210 + 23=233 Carl Best
W 221 + 4=225 Connor Smith
W 217 + 16=233 Billy Best
 L  191 + 58=249 Justin Armstrong
 T 152 + 87=239 Jason Fox
W 175 + 29=204 Jay Smith
W 146 + 60=206 Chris Meredith
W 174 + 47=221 Jamie Baron
 L  222 + 23=245 Pete English
W 135 + 38=173 Jerry Worsley
173+28=201 Tyler Hoadley Game 2 (12 brackets)
 L  171 + 35=206 Fred Harris
 L  257 + 21=278 Dave Paquette
 L  225 + 0=225 Ben Lapointe
 L  203 + 23=226 Pete English
 L  214 + 16=230 Billy Best
 L  190 + 47=237 Jamie Baron
 L  214 + 8=222 Jamie Ridealgh
 L  225 + 0=225 Ben Lapointe
    & 139 + 87=226
Jason Fox
 L  156 + 46=202 Dave Little
 L  164 + 58=222 Justin Armstrong
W 166 + 29=195 Jay Smith
W 132 + 60=192 Chris Novakowski
191+28=219 Tyler Hoadley Game 3 (2 brackets)  
 L  213 + 16=229 Billy Best $10.00
W 163 + 21=184 Dave Paquette $25.00
Tyler Hoadley
Summary for HC Brackets
14 entries @ $5.00 = $70.00
Earnings: $35.00