2021 Lane Glo Singles March 2021

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Jerry Thornton in HDCP 1-3
182+40=222 Jerry Thornton Game 1 (5 brackets)
W 146 + 61=207 Chris O'Cull
W 209 + 10=219 Chris Nusz
 L  210 + 31=241 Alex Reuille
W 143 + 23=166 Tom Bosquez
 T 190 + 32=222 Scott Huther
254+40=294 Jerry Thornton Game 2 (4 brackets)
W 222 + 31=253 Alex Reuille
W 227 + 0=227 Justin Paxton
W 198 + 36=234 Milton Jones
W 211 + 32=243 Scott Huther
    & 125 + 48=173
Bok-Dal Xanthaky
215+40=255 Jerry Thornton Game 3 (4 brackets)  
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille $10.00
 L  238 + 45=283 Patrick Mathurins $10.00
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille $10.00
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille $10.00
Jerry Thornton
Summary for HDCP 1-3
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $40.00
Bracket Progress for Jerry Thornton in HDCP 2-4
254+40=294 Jerry Thornton Game 2 (5 brackets)
W 204 + 23=227 Tom Bosquez
W 171 + 61=232 Chris O'Cull
W 178 + 33=211 Marchelle King
W 159 + 81=240 Stemma Miller
W 227 + 0=227 Justin Paxton
215+40=255 Jerry Thornton Game 3 (5 brackets)
W 216 + 32=248 Scott Huther
W 216 + 32=248 Scott Huther
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille
W 216 + 32=248 Scott Huther
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille
219+40=259 Jerry Thornton Game 4 (3 brackets)  
W 214 + 31=245 Alex Reuille $25.00
W 214 + 31=245 Alex Reuille $25.00
W 214 + 31=245 Alex Reuille $25.00
Jerry Thornton
Summary for HDCP 2-4
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $75.00
Bracket Progress for Jerry Thornton in HDCP 3-5
215+40=255 Jerry Thornton Game 3 (5 brackets)
W 209 + 23=232 Tom Bosquez
W 209 + 0=209 Justin Paxton
 L  257 + 10=267 Allen King
W 177 + 61=238 Chris O'Cull
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille
219+40=259 Jerry Thornton Game 4 (3 brackets)
W 214 + 31=245 Alex Reuille
W 114 + 81=195 Stemma Miller
W 214 + 31=245 Alex Reuille
170+40=210 Jerry Thornton Game 5 (3 brackets)  
 L  187 + 38=225 Dan Wagner $10.00
 L  223 + 23=246 Tom Bosquez $10.00
 L  189 + 61=250 Chris O'Cull $10.00
Jerry Thornton
Summary for HDCP 3-5
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $30.00
Bracket Progress for Jerry Thornton in HDCP 5-1
170+40=210 Jerry Thornton Game 5 (5 brackets)
 T 179 + 31=210 Alex Reuille
 L  224 + 35=259 Lionel Johnson
W 0 + -9=-9 (+-9) Bye Bye
 L  200 + 27=227 Chris Fisher
 L  187 + 38=225 Dan Wagner
215+40=255 Jerry Thornton Game 3 (2 brackets)
 L  266 + 31=297 Alex Reuille
    & 244 + 27=271
Chris Fisher
W 187 + 35=222 Lionel Johnson
182+40=222 Jerry Thornton Game 1 (1 bracket)  
W 146 + 61=207 Chris O'Cull $20.00
Jerry Thornton
Summary for HDCP 5-1
5 entries @ $5.00 = $25.00
Earnings: $20.00
Jerry Thornton
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
20 entries = $100.00
Earnings: $165.00