2018 Hollywood 5 Games Sweeper

Brackets for
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Bracket Progress for Jarudd Pettiford in Division 1
192+30=222 Jarudd Pettiford Game 1 (10 brackets)
 L  247 + 16=263 Everett Oaks
 L  247 + 16=263 Everett Oaks
 L  279 + 28=307 Sal Fabozzi
 L  194 + 58=252 Chiquia Mayhew
 L  239 + 22=261 Steve Chiarella
 L  227 + 17=244 Chris Aponte
 L  254 + 25=279 Sandy Guanlao
 L  227 + 17=244 Chris Aponte
 L  279 + 28=307 Sal Fabozzi
 L  194 + 58=252 Chiquia Mayhew
Jarudd Pettiford Game 2 (0 brackets)
Jarudd Pettiford Game 3 (0 brackets)  
Jarudd Pettiford
Summary for Division 1
10 entries @ $3.00 = $30.00
Earnings: $0.00