2022 Premier Doubles Winter Tournament

Brackets for
Click on any match to see the bracket
Bracket Progress for Edmund Rede in Games 1-2-3
252+23=275 Edmund Rede Game 1 (8 brackets)
W 112 + 74=186 Alan Banh
W 124 + 74=198 Adrienne Simonds
W 172 + 39=211 Dan Mathews
W 211 + 1=212 Vince Cooper
W 0 + 0=0 (+0) John John
W 224 + 25=249 Ryan Kyle
W 149 + 30=179 Liam McNicholas
W 248 + 16=264 Zac Clute
246+23=269 Edmund Rede Game 2 (8 brackets)
W 196 + 25=221 Ryan Kyle
W 237 + 1=238 Vince Cooper
W 192 + 16=208 Zac Clute
W 169 + 69=238 Claudia Ohashi
W 192 + 16=208 Zac Clute
W 199 + 15=214 Jeff Kanpp
W 183 + 26=209 Lamarr Smith
W 194 + 39=233 Marquette Kernbauer
203+23=226 Edmund Rede Game 3 (8 brackets)  
 L  248 + 25=273 Ryan Kyle $7.00
W 192 + 22=214 David Hayward $14.00
W 170 + 19=189 Alex Ohashi $14.00
W 197 + 26=223 Brian Cooper $14.00
W 170 + 19=189 Alex Ohashi $12.00
W 180 + 36=216 Denny Bortko $14.00
 L  215 + 23=238 Michael Gilbert $7.00
 L  186 + 42=228 Leif Takacs $7.00
Edmund Rede
Summary for Games 1-2-3
8 entries @ $3.00 = $24.00
Earnings: $89.00
Bracket Progress for Edmund Rede in REV Games 3-2-1
203+23=226 Edmund Rede Game 3 (8 brackets)
 T 225 + 1=226 Vince Cooper
W 0 + 0=0 (+0) John John
 L  216 + 28=244 Brandon Clark
W 169 + 16=185 Zac Clute
W 192 + 22=214 David Hayward
 L  186 + 42=228 Leif Takacs
W 171 + 30=201 Liam McNicholas
 L  231 + 26=257 Lamarr Smith
246+23=269 Edmund Rede Game 2 (5 brackets)
W 237 + 1=238 Vince Cooper
    & 183 + 26=209
Lamarr Smith
W 191 + 28=219 Brandon Clark
W 196 + 25=221 Ryan Kyle
W 196 + 25=221 Ryan Kyle
W 199 + 15=214 Jeff Kanpp
252+23=275 Edmund Rede Game 1 (5 brackets)  
W 182 + 42=224 Leif Takacs $14.00
W 248 + 23=271 Johnny Shepherd $12.00
W 182 + 42=224 Leif Takacs $14.00
W 172 + 39=211 Dan Mathews $12.00
W 172 + 39=211 Dan Mathews $14.00
Edmund Rede
Summary for REV Games 3-2-1
8 entries @ $3.00 = $24.00
Earnings: $66.00
Edmund Rede
Summary for All Divisions
this Squad
16 entries = $48.00
Earnings: $155.00