2024 KSBO All Star Lanes 11/9/2024
Standings for KSBO All Star Lanes 11/9/2024

Open Semi Finals
Open Semi Finals 0 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Bonus Total From Cut Prize
1 ANTHONY SANDERS 1050 267 +30 258 +30 221 +30 1796 +90    1886
2 CAMERON KERLEE 1135 207 +30 259 +30 190 1791 +60    1851
3 JACOB MILLER 1091 185 +30 268 +30 183 1727 +60    1787
4 BRIAN MONNETTE 1104 216 +30 199 196 +30 1715 +60    1775
5 RYAN SHOWALTER 1063 182 193 +30 187 +30 1625 +60    1685
6 CODY MOEN 1114 194 148 191 1647 +0    1647 38 $165.00
7 SKILUR LAMMI 1061 208 188 169 1626 +0    1626 59 $135.00
8 ASHLYN WALTERS 1045 184 171 194 +30 1594 +30    1624 61 $125.00
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