2023 Saturday sweeper
Standings for Saturday sweeper

Saturday sweeper
Saturday sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 David Hayes 298 247 289 226 1060 1060
2 Mitch Morris 148 176 225 235 784 952 108
3 Garrison Taladay 243 236 204 197 880 924 136
4 Dj Drebenstedt 209 231 248 215 903 903 157 21
5 Chris Wall 204 185 154 215 758 882 178 42
6 Kianna Mcclain 219 232 170 144 765 877 183 47
7 Joey Price 189 182 230 190 791 839 221 85
8 Jarrod Melton 208 186 202 224 820 820 240 104
9 Bill Glore 189 160 145 248 742 810 250 114
10 Nick Whittaker 164 146 162 214 686 754 306 170
11 Aiden O’Connor 229 142 161 160 692 692 368 232

Scan for Standings