2023 7-17-23 pba experience
Standings for 7-17-23 pba experience

7-17-23 PBA Experience
7-17-23 PBA Experience 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Mike Headlee 165 172 262 223 822 882
2 Robert Heath Sr 226 202 197 202 827 859 23
3 Tom Ganoe 182 190 163 167 702 822 60
4 Roger Ott 178 182 153 196 709 805 77 17
5 Mike Erickson 235 203 157 147 742 790 92 32
6t John Woodford 168 186 222 181 757 769 113 53
6t Mike Miller 144 175 168 170 657 769 113 53
8 Jimmy Selkirk 162 155 175 163 655 747 135 75

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