2023 NE Youth Open & U23 Tour, Stop 2 (Monticello)
Standings for NE Youth Open & U23 Tour, Stop 2 (Monticello)

U18 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 Michael Saxton III 232 219 133 189 171 944 -56
2 Carson Reid 206 185 138 171 185 885 -115 59
3 Brennan Heck 151 222 171 161 161 866 -134 78
4 Peyton Guyer 166 164 198 164 144 836 -164 108
5 Chris Fordyce 148 140 153 212 181 834 -166 110
6 Bryce Bergman 153 160 166 140 190 809 -191 135 25
7 Louis Shontz 146 151 210 134 137 778 -222 166 56
8 Chase Fowler 119 215 136 141 161 772 -228 172 62
9 Benjamin Geer 184 128 153 146 147 758 -242 186 76
10t Tyler Reeves 115 126 141 179 180 741 -259 203 93
10t Owen Pieper 158 144 120 122 197 741 -259 203 93
12 Kylie Cook 174 109 157 143 155 738 -262 206 96
13 Nathan Lockhart 149 164 123 139 144 719 -281 225 115
14 Austin Olderog 147 175 132 115 130 699 -301 245 135
15 Carter Fecher 98 156 164 153 117 688 -312 256 146
16 Zachery Page 160 97 144 120 123 644 -356 300 190
17 Cody Swanson 95 124 94 106 114 533 -467 411 301

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