2023 Strikefest Sport
Standings for Strikefest Sport

Main 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Jeff Piroozshad 267 213 217 262 258 1217 1307
2 Jarren Dudden 234 171 213 249 279 1146 1306 1
3 Garrett Thompson 258 247 230 219 265 1219 1294 13
4 DANIEL VASQUEZ 222 227 237 211 200 1097 1292 15
5 Jamal Kahok 170 219 233 247 246 1115 1285 22
6 Derrick Hightower 191 214 244 196 257 1102 1272 35
7 Scott Anderson 216 244 240 224 258 1182 1262 45
8 Charlie Forero 232 238 258 169 247 1144 1259 48
9 Ismail Yusuf 169 191 215 256 201 1032 1257 50
10 Lisa Bruce 252 204 167 204 181 1008 1253 54
11 Brea Belt 227 211 167 162 191 958 1213 94
12 Daniel Diaz 124 139 138 159 210 770 1195 112
13 Armando Fernandez 170 195 210 189 175 939 1194 113
14 Igar Rodriguez 212 125 245 235 179 996 1191 116
15 Jon Rakoski 264 203 206 198 214 1085 1185 122
16 Luis Saporita 198 195 162 235 246 1036 1181 126
17 Sean Riley 224 204 253 171 223 1075 1175 132
18 Dave Malnick 167 149 157 174 153 800 1170 137
19 Phillip Merrin 182 244 121 161 156 864 1159 148
20 Lesley Payne 146 195 164 225 178 908 1158 149
21 Tony Retto 193 237 166 158 197 951 1151 156
22 Raul Chiriboga 233 174 151 164 157 879 1134 173
23 Juan Salomon 191 183 176 189 174 913 1133 174
24 Scott Greiner 190 180 179 235 187 971 1116 191
25 Patrick Vadala 168 157 164 179 178 846 1111 196
26 Antonio Gonzalez 180 144 157 161 135 777 1102 205
27 Thomas Prisco 216 169 117 150 181 833 1083 224
28 Michael Nguyen 147 149 156 162 167 781 1076 231
29 Dumas Michael 145 218 129 129 156 777 1037 270
30 Mark Polaski Jr 187 213 194 246 0 840 950 357

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