2023 6 game saturday
Standings for 6 game saturday

saturday 6 gamer sweeper
saturday 6 gamer sweeper 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Jean Perez 258 201 264 279 277 226 1505 1505
2 Clint Woods 235 279 218 258 266 240 1496 1496 9
3 Dewayne Perry 226 247 244 234 239 246 1436 1436 69
4 Kianna Sweatt 213 162 186 227 278 236 1302 1422 83
5 Steven Wright 242 213 245 244 210 202 1356 1374 131 48
6 Aiden Fellows 268 258 197 224 173 244 1364 1364 141 58
7 Travis Bridgewater 245 207 206 178 201 188 1225 1339 166 83
8 Brian Turpin 210 191 242 213 267 201 1324 1324 181 98
9 Elijah Fulford 228 194 192 205 201 203 1223 1295 210 127
10 Tj Dressler 224 159 167 267 257 188 1262 1280 225 142
11 Cameron Turpin 203 177 203 247 285 151 1266 1266 239 156
12 Tyler Knight 200 189 210 201 234 228 1262 1262 243 160
13 Mike Conwell 161 182 159 182 145 212 1041 1203 302 219
14 Tyler Bridgewater 175 227 194 206 154 188 1144 1186 319 236
15 AUSTIN GILBERT 185 154 175 162 172 177 1025 1097 408 325
16 RICK DAVIS 187 155 173 208 1 1 725 887 618 535

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