2023 9 Pin Timberlodge 11/01
Standings for 9 Pin Timberlodge 11/01

9 Pin
9 Pin 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Jeff Smith 300 266 300 866 866
2 Terrie Springer 127 182 197 506 752
3t Jeremy Moore 139 151 211 501 744
3t Connor Chapman 164 217 201 582 744
5 Skye Nichols 206 154 126 486 690
6 Steve Corker 212 231 167 610 682
7 Rob Outlaw 228 196 222 646 646
8 Jake Stevens 162 133 183 478 607

Scan for Standings