2024 2023-24 Metro Phoenix USBC Masters and Queens
Standings for 2023-24 Metro Phoenix USBC Masters and Queens

Masters 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200
1 Brett Wolfe 204 205 217 256 191 180 1253 +53
2 Michael Fitzgerald 233 175 268 200 187 188 1251 +51
3 Edward Smaglik 212 208 202 188 213 220 1243 +43
4 Kyle Ponzo 206 204 227 238 168 182 1225 +25
5 Chris Klerk 218 214 187 189 198 201 1207 +7
6 Calvin Huggar 201 217 173 230 174 202 1197 -3
7 Brian Rowley 182 197 165 191 273 169 1177 -23
8 Mark Myers 160 244 204 173 178 195 1154 -46
9 Timothy Eichhorn 178 176 219 224 167 182 1146 -54
10t Matthew Herbert 201 204 203 191 168 173 1140 -60
10t Mike Dirmyer 195 181 226 158 212 168 1140 -60
12 Jim Pratt 184 210 213 147 179 197 1130 -70
13 Dwight Burns 167 182 207 197 178 196 1127 -73
14 Kevin Jenkins 204 205 170 129 213 203 1124 -76
15 Andrew Cain 179 178 189 206 214 150 1116 -84
16 Kyle King 224 168 209 180 170 159 1110 -90
17 Matt Jones 173 167 146 254 173 195 1108 -92
18 Pat Lombardo 137 172 184 217 205 182 1097 -103
19 Keith Fung 179 215 154 179 161 202 1090 -110
20 Dylan Taylor 218 162 178 163 146 207 1074 -126
21 Joey Burruel 192 181 185 166 195 140 1059 -141
22 Jonathan Mayer 180 197 150 165 161 183 1036 -164
23 Randy Blocker 197 134 162 180 162 188 1023 -177
24 Justin Golden 179 146 171 151 172 202 1021 -179
25 Kyle Wakefield 190 180 161 176 141 161 1009 -191
26 Robbie Patterson 166 153 177 127 175 186 984 -216
27 Troy Blickenstaff 137 194 121 177 195 159 983 -217
28 Roy Gross 142 127 118 152 222 205 966 -234
29 Carlton Johnson 170 152 138 157 155 153 925 -275
30 Robert Westfall 100 210 159 125 176 123 893 -307
31 Shawn Wiley 155 132 174 133 147 146 887 -313
32 Derek Hughes 153 177 124 151 138 136 879 -321
33 Ryan Woodall 120 97 145 146 0 0 508 -692

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