2024 RTB Senior Queens
Standings for RTB Senior Queens

RTB Senior Queens
RTB Senior Queens   1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers Home Town as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Jayne Sonognini Salem, OR 187 206 211 199 176 235 1214 1382
2 Beverly Cady San Angelo, TX 118 174 124 151 188 165 920 1292 90
3 Abby K Mance Keizer, OR 125 159 160 173 166 199 982 1258 124
4 Joy Parker Lebanon, OR 170 189 151 156 180 146 992 1250 132
5 Lori McFarland Gladstone, OR 208 191 166 153 146 179 1043 1235 147 15
6 Melissa Gray Hillsboro, OR 173 202 162 164 159 149 1009 1231 151 19
7 Mikayla Barber Gresham, OR 179 190 213 222 161 218 1183 1225 157 25
8 Melissa Machado Vancouver, WA 125 151 177 126 172 178 929 1205 177 45
9 Kelly Gilgan McMinnville, OR 150 109 200 148 177 176 960 1194 188 56
10t Paula Miller Keizer, OR 148 167 157 195 142 167 976 1180 202 70
10t Tammy Russell Salem, OR 104 131 111 93 119 160 718 1180 202 70
12 Melissa Deuerling Cottage Grove, OR 191 155 170 166 180 155 1017 1167 215 83
13 Dorothy Breazile Beaverton, OR 181 182 171 199 182 156 1071 1155 227 95
14 Lori Mueller Lebanon, OR 110 129 155 127 116 111 748 1138 244 112
15 Cathy Aicher McMinnville, OR 137 122 135 147 161 153 855 1125 257 125
16 Laura DeGiovanni Woodburn, OR 118 130 166 114 149 86 763 1123 259 127
17 Mary Phillips Reedsport, OR 167 157 157 157 155 136 929 1085 297 165

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