2024 LS Wednesday Summer Sweeper 7/31
Standings for LS Wednesday Summer Sweeper 7/31

wednesday summer sweeper
wednesday summer sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Jared Eisenberg 238 279 247 279 1043 1107
2 Joe Veloso 106 253 239 255 853 1045 62
3 Ed Duda 237 247 278 257 1019 1019 88
4 Robert Hylton 289 279 189 245 1002 1002 105
5 John Bembaron 276 225 227 230 958 990 117
6 Steve Burger 240 279 235 224 978 978 129
7 David Stouffer 258 246 258 215 977 977 130
8 Dakota Mcelhone 255 171 234 253 913 945 162
9 Scott Chikosky 258 280 154 246 938 938 169
10 Jason Land 194 160 244 245 843 927 180
11 Clark Hollman 186 258 258 182 884 924 183
12 Spencer Eddy 235 233 218 234 920 920 187
13 Scott Cobb 217 269 218 214 918 918 189
14 Joshua Powley 212 201 187 223 823 903 204
15 Ricky Nicholson 226 190 200 246 862 902 205
16 Dave Watkins 192 205 186 224 807 855 252
17 Ashley Powley 192 169 201 139 701 809 298

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