2024 Dickey Smith Team Shoot Out
Standings for Dickey Smith Team Shoot Out

Dickey Smith TeamShootOut
Dickey Smith TeamShootOut 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Denise Fleetwood / Maddison Hampton / Hayden Johnson / Bill Barr 731 845 775 2351 2616
2 Dave Renshaw / Elijah Fulford / Jeff Acord / John Fugate 845 843 826 2514 2535
3 Maddison Hampton / Steve Bastin / Hayden Johnson / Kent Thompson 706 818 801 2325 2517
4 Joseph Pemberton / Alicia Pemberton / Jennifer Thompson / Kent Thompson 813 732 770 2315 2484
5 Melissa Troxel / Deon Jones / Terry Troxel / Scott Hill 725 799 853 2377 2477
6 Deon Jones Jr / Elijah Fulford / Brylan Hill / Scott Hill 812 803 802 2417 2472
7 Joey Long / Devin Long / Nathan Fulford / Randy Fulford 727 784 652 2163 2426
8 Missie Compton / Brylan Hill / Scott Higginbotham / Rodney Compton 711 782 752 2245 2393
9 Joey Long / Devin Long / Danny Perifield / Nate Percifield 719 747 588 2054 2384
10 Cody Mackey / Jordan Robertson / Randy Fulford / Nathan Fulford 674 665 760 2099 2338
11 Bill Wu / Bill Withers / Brad Branam / Blake Anderson 620 743 777 2140 2319
12 Melissa Compton / Melissa Troxel / Scott Higginbotham / Terry Troxel 762 707 693 2162 2307
13 Denise Fleetwood / Bill Barr / Jason Hampton / John Broyer 672 657 715 2044 2304
14 Angie Marcum / Jennifer Lash / Jonathon Lash / Scott Richardson 611 558 613 1782 2294
15 Cody Mackey / Jordan Robertson / Percifield Nate / Danny Percifield 607 645 735 1987 2293
16 David Renshaw / Rodney Compton / John Fugate / Jeff Acord 681 698 800 2179 2272
17 Jason Hampton / John Broyer / Steve Bastin / Kent Thompson 630 746 682 2058 2245
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