2024 CPLG Summer Match Play Tournament
Standings for CPLG Summer Match Play Tournament

CPLG SMPT 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Kehgan Wolf 211 155 157 177 165 865 1390
2 Khrystyna Liske 204 212 248 229 264 1157 1292
3 Schickel Tanner 230 246 214 274 196 1160 1290
4 Codie Tempe 234 178 215 299 227 1153 1288
5 Tyler Stabley 269 223 178 223 268 1161 1271
6 Max Minnich 269 244 202 235 248 1198 1268
7 Kenneth Jones 214 228 251 202 210 1105 1255
8 Bryce Kline 237 203 234 269 204 1147 1252
9 Cody Sams 242 174 200 214 199 1029 1239
10 Ben Lamb 267 253 203 236 268 1227 1232
11 James Randisi 179 209 201 160 210 959 1229
12 Kim Beckmann 258 183 166 170 193 970 1215
13 Shawn Smith 177 184 234 218 225 1038 1213
14 Todd Stevens 164 183 161 210 206 924 1194
15 Gage Shultz 289 203 237 241 207 1177 1192
16 Christopher Sedlak 202 190 181 218 189 980 1190
17 Brad Anderson 156 205 223 181 221 986 1186
18 Jimmy Sneddon 186 156 254 178 236 1010 1175
19t David Manbeck 204 220 184 187 238 1033 1168
19t Dave Rishel 257 245 206 224 171 1103 1168
21 Zachary Thurmond 180 246 174 232 240 1072 1162
22t Levi Crerand 148 183 171 139 136 777 1152
22t Brett Wine 214 247 226 180 235 1102 1152
24t Alex Armstrong 206 159 181 196 213 955 1150
24t Philip Brandt 237 248 210 200 170 1065 1150
26 Jeffrey Thomas 186 189 203 154 152 884 1129
27 Severo Gordon 129 268 187 193 188 965 1120
28t Todd Sigeti 260 196 247 217 179 1099 1109
28t Riley Smith 173 207 224 190 170 964 1109
30 Jason Weaver 160 157 161 167 171 816 1066
31 Justin Breighner 198 214 178 158 188 936 1061
32 Charles Fallin 171 160 225 162 138 856 1041
33 Andrew McCullough 222 180 212 203 221 1038 1038
34 Devote Vaughan 189 180 173 203 217 962 1007
35 Adam Kirk 152 165 143 210 162 832 957
36 James Boyce 166 169 160 0 0 495 690

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