2024 9 Pin Timberlodge 8/7
Standings for 9 Pin Timberlodge 8/7

9 Pin
9 Pin 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Grant Cox 244 258 244 746 899
2 Jonathan Mcmahon 300 278 230 808 808
3 Ernie Faulkner 264 298 222 784 784
4 Steve Corker 144 140 129 413 695
5 Conner Chapman 188 213 130 531 693
6 Skye Nichols 156 221 155 532 658
7 Violet Shirey 173 186 182 541 643
8 Bobby Burnett 165 151 174 490 571

Scan for Standings