2024 Scratch Singles
Standings for Scratch Singles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Aaron Jones 218 257 192 269 187 265 246 1634
2 Robert Hogan 228 191 237 235 209 244 256 1600
3 Josh Sorola 200 212 224 236 215 223 237 1547
4 Jayden Butcher 255 183 236 192 192 277 172 1507
5 Kenneth Coker 203 201 228 238 206 211 211 1498
6 CJ Garcia 248 229 215 222 177 213 177 1481
7 Donald Harkenss 232 195 255 202 185 206 197 1472
8 Kenneth Davis 263 160 245 174 213 223 193 1471
9 David King 178 215 199 203 208 241 208 1452
10 Mike O Obrian 233 193 179 182 236 234 193 1450
11 Temario Ashley 171 251 193 228 242 186 176 1447
12 Layne Sailer 178 189 214 224 252 161 218 1436
13 Scott Smart 212 209 188 200 235 168 222 1434
14 Destin Southern 231 153 195 215 227 208 201 1430
15 Mike Nelli 184 219 208 198 208 193 217 1427
16 Martin Bedfrd 244 212 177 235 168 197 189 1422
17 Chip Holiday 176 207 212 205 194 208 198 1400
18 Ronnie Phillips 195 213 259 179 149 196 207 1398
19 Bo Beaumont 216 222 194 168 226 171 176 1373
20 Biz Richard 236 164 185 178 181 200 205 1349
21 Rob Scott 166 175 179 204 227 170 221 1342
22 Brian Butcher 176 176 169 184 190 205 156 1256
23 Melissa Logan 187 162 179 206 175 171 156 1236
24 Jordan Smith 197 183 184 225 203 196 0 1188
25 Robert Kelley 183 202 145 198 148 139 156 1171
26 Manny Garcia 188 169 163 168 181 0 0 869

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