2024 Reversa brackets
Standings for Reversa brackets

Reversa 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Gordillo Sebastian 212 198 184 594
2 Becerra Cristian 203 208 174 585
3 Nariño Nicolas 194 201 182 577
4 Encinales Jorge 173 176 206 555
5 Gomez Edgar 187 174 189 550
6 Moran Andrés 217 146 169 532
7 Arias Alfonso 171 192 158 521
8 Avendaño Vicky 210 156 148 514
9 Rey Miguel 161 178 172 511
10t Ramirez Diana 163 154 178 495
10t Yela Neftalí 137 166 192 495
12t Bonilla Esteban 191 155 136 482
12t Montealegre Sandra 168 167 147 482
14 Sarmiento Enrique 145 158 167 470
15 Ruiz Nicolas 164 125 170 459
16 Velasquez Miguel 136 157 152 445
17 Badillo Sergio 141 163 129 433
18 Rico Stefanía 169 129 124 422
19 Diaz Rocio 107 168 127 402

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