Standings for LVYBT AUG.

LVYBT Varsity AUG 2024
LVYBT Varsity AUG 2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 EZEKIEL TREJO 216 246 237 221 258 235 1413 +213
2 DAN'D ACCOCK 264 214 234 206 264 196 1378 +178 35 35
3 BRYAN GREGSON 167 210 233 244 187 254 1295 +95 118 118
4 EARL GRADNER 224 214 188 182 179 222 1209 +9 204 204
5 BRIGGS ROBISON 171 132 174 210 245 164 1096 -104 317 317
6 DEVIN MONTOYA 190 156 224 183 181 131 1065 -135 348 348
7 ELIJIAH NEBRES 156 118 206 158 235 150 1023 -177 390 390

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